
2022-10-11 10:39   来源: 互联网







外貌类似地球岩石,主要成分是硅酸盐矿物(橄榄石、辉石等),次要成分有铁、镍等金属物质。石陨石可进一步根据其中是否含有球粒划分为球粒陨石和非球粒陨石两类。球粒陨石根据元素特点和岩石类型可以进一步划分为碳质球粒陨石(carbonaceous chondrite,即C-chon-drite)和普通球粒陨石(ordinary chon drite)和顽辉球粒陨石(enstatite chondrite)。上述陨石的化学成分的研究表明,碳质球粒陨石除了H、He、N、O和惰性气体元素外,其他元素的丰度代表了太阳系原始的物质组成,普通球粒陨石中易挥发性元素有不同程度的损失。非球粒陨石(achondrite)的矿物成分和结构构造与地球岩石相似,它们不含球粒,也没有金属相,一般认为如果从陨石物质中减去亲铁元素剩下的相当于地球上的地幔物质,也就是说非球粒陨石相当于镍和铁聚集在母体中心之后剩下来的物质。这类陨石较稀少

Similar to the appearance of earth rocks, the main composition is silicate minerals (olivine, pyroxene, etc.), minor components of iron, nickel and other metal substances. Stone meteorites can be further divided into chondrites and anchondrites according to whether they contain chondrites. Chondrites can be further divided into carbonaceous chondrite based on elemental characteristics and rock types. C-chon-drite, and ordinary chondrite and enstatite chondrite. The study on the chemical composition of the meteorites above shows that, in addition to H, He, N, O and inert gas elements, the abundance of other elements in carbonaceous chondrites represents the original material composition of the solar system, and the volatile elements in ordinary chondrites have different degrees of loss. The chondrite (achondrite) similar to the earth's rock mineral composition and structure, they do not contain spheres, metallic phase, it is generally believed if left from minus close iron meteorite material is equivalent to the earth's mantle material, that is to say the chondrite equivalent of nickel and iron material left over after the gathered in the center of the matrix. These meteorites are relatively rare














1. Outer molten shell: the meteorite must pass through the dense atmosphere before falling to the ground. In the process of falling, the meteorite friction with the atmosphere produces high temperature, so that its surface melts and forms a thin layer of molten shell. As a result, the surface of newly landed meteorites is covered with a black crust, about 1 millimeter thick.

2. Surface air imprint: In addition, due to the interaction between the meteorite and the airflow, the surface of the meteorite will leave many air imprint, just like the fingerprint of the finger.

3. Internal metals: Iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites are composed of metallic iron, which has a high nickel content (5-10%). There are also metal particles inside chondrites, and fine metal particles can be seen on the fresh fracture surface.

4. Magnetism: Because most meteorites contain iron, 95 percent of them are attracted to magnets.

5. Chondrites: Most meteorites are chondrites (90% of the total). These meteorites contain large numbers of millimeter sized silicate spheres called chondrules. Round chondrites can be seen on the fresh fracture surface of chondrites.

6. Specific gravity: the specific gravity of iron meteorites is 8 grams /cm3, which is far greater than the specific gravity of general rocks on Earth. Chondrites are also heavier because they contain a small amount of metal.





石陨石目前市场价多少钱一克,近十年,随着陨石知识的日益普及,想收藏的不断增多,奇货可居,国内叫价有时甚至远高于国际价格。世界上众多的博物馆和研究机构也对陨石充满了极大的兴趣,一直致力于对其所处星体和时代的研究,进一步促进了陨石经济价值的提升。   陨石也称“陨星”,是地球以外脱离原有运行轨道的宇宙流星或尘碎块飞快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃尽的石质的、铁质的或是石铁混合物质。古人常说“天上掉馅饼”,这事基本不可能发生,但是天上掉“宝藏”却是存在的。   这些被称之为“天外来客”的陨石成为了天文爱好者和富人阶层眼中的珍宝,陨石收藏也成为了新兴的收藏种类。但陨石多散落于高山、森林、沙漠等人迹罕至的地方,被人发现的数量极少,其升值潜力无限,陨石交易蓬勃兴起,大有超越其他各种门类的收藏之势。晶体陨石目前市场价多少钱一克   近日,征集到了一块月亮陨石: 月亮陨石   这块月亮陨石重3126g,颜色为暗紫红色,不规则形状,表层有大小不等、或圆或长条形的凹印,如月球表面的环形山状图案,灼烧痕迹明显,是陨石降落过程融化的液质冷却后产物。 月亮陨石   月球陨石是遭受小行星撞击从月球飞溅出来并陨落到地球上的岩石,区别于其他天外陨石,是一种无球粒陨石,换言之,月球陨石是陨石先撞击月球后再坠落到地球之上的陨石,它的表面会携带有月球物质,是研究月球物质成分和演化历史的重要对象,在全面了解月球岩石种类、月球表面稀有气体成分、松散月壤如何成为固结的岩石、月球表面受冲击历史等方面也具有重要意义,其收藏价值比其他陨石要更加高,更值得收藏

The current market price of stone meteorites is how much per gram. In recent ten years, with the increasing popularity of meteorite knowledge, the number of rare goods is increasing, and the domestic price is sometimes even much higher than the international price. Many museums and research institutions in the world are also full of great interest in meteorites, and have been committed to the study of the stars and times in which they are located, which further promotes the improvement of the economic value of meteorites. Meteorites, also known as "meteorites", are unburned stone, iron or mixed material of stone and iron that fall out of the original orbit of cosmic meteors or dust fragments rapidly scattered to the surface of the Earth or other planets. The ancients used to say that "pie in the sky", which is almost impossible to happen, but "treasure" from the sky does exist. These meteorites, known as "extraterrestrial visitors", have become treasures in the eyes of astronomy enthusiasts and the rich class, and meteorite collection has also become a new collection type. However, meteorites are mostly scattered in mountains, forests, deserts and other inaccessible places, and the number of them is very small. Their appreciation potential is infinite, and the meteorite trade is booming, which has the potential to surpass other various kinds of collection. Crystal meteorite current market price how much is a gram recently, collected a moon meteorite: The moon meteorite weighs 3126g, the color is dark purple, irregular shape, surface has different sizes, or round or strip shaped gravure, such as the craters on the surface of the moon, burning traces are obvious, is the meteorite landing process melted liquid cooling product. The moon meteorite, Lunar meteorites are hit by an asteroid splashed out and fall to the earth from the moon rocks, different from other outer meteorites, is a kind of achondrite, in other words, the moon is meteorites meteorites hitting the moon first and then fall to the earth meteorites, it will carry a lunar surface material, is to study the moon substance composition and evolution history of important objects, It is also of great significance to comprehensively understand the types of lunar rocks, the composition of rare gases on the lunar surface, how loose lunar soil becomes consolidated rocks, and the impact history of the lunar surface. Its collection value is higher than other meteorites, and it is more worthy of collection






